
We make your offer visible!

Do you want to offer your products and services on our marketplace? We have a package for every need and every budget.
CHF 0 (for 3 months)
excl. VAT
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Listed on Marketplace
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Own Landing Page (incl. Backlink)
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Integration of vouchers / discounts
CHF 999 / year
excl. VAT
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Listed on Marketplace
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Own Landing Page (incl. Backlink)
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Integration of vouchers / discounts
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Detailed presentation of the company on all communication channels of
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Integration in the section «deals» in the monthly newsletter
Findea Buchhaltung Check
2 publications per quarter in the section «News»
Ideal for new entrepreneurs
CHF 10'000 / year
excl. VAT
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Listed Marketplace
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Own Landing Page (incl. Backlink)
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Integration of vouchers / discounts
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Detailed presentation of the company on all communication channels of
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Integration in the section «Deals» in the monthly newsletter
Findea Buchhaltung Check
1 publication per month in the section "News"
Findea Buchhaltung Check
1 post per month in the blog
Findea Buchhaltung Check
1 publication per month on social media
Findea Buchhaltung Check
1 publication in the monthly newsletter
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Recommendation of
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Access to Partnergate
Findea Buchhaltung Check
Inclusion of the offer in the communication workflows of
Findea Buchhaltung Check
2 personalised marketing campaigns per year
Important: If your offer does not comply with our guidelines or other conflicts with existing partners arise, we reserve the right to reject an application. If you are unsure whether your offer is suitable for the Marketplace, please contact us at
The first marketplace for Swiss start-ups and SMEs

Present your offers and deals to Swiss start-ups and SMEs.

With our marketplace, we want to offer Swiss start-ups and SMEs the opportunity to find the best offers they need for their everyday business in one place.
Further, we want to give companies that offer quality products and services the opportunity to present their offers to Swiss start-ups and SMEs directly and optimally via a central channel.
"As the Swiss market leader, we strive to always offer the best to new entrepreneurs and start-ups. This is the reason why we pay special attention to the quality of the offers we place on our marketplace."
Senior Marketing Manager AG